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Version 4.1.1 OS Ubuntu 22.04


Django is a high-level Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Built by experienced developers, it takes care of much of the hassle of Web development, so you can focus on writing your app without having to reinvent the wheel. It’s free and open source.

Software Included

Django - 4.1.1

Nginx - 1.18.0

Postgres - 14.6

Postfix - 3.4.13

Certbot - 1.21.0

Gunicorn - 20.1.0

Getting started after deploying DJANGO

Allow the ports in the firewall only SSH (port 22, rate limited), HTTP (port 80), and HTTPS (port 443) access.

You will be logged out of the instance and displayed with the below message until the instance is deployed. DO NOT LOG IN TO THE INSTANCE FOR 2 MINUTES AFTER THE CREATION.

Please wait until the installation is completed....

Connection to $IPADDRESS closed.

Once the DJANGO is deployed

You can log into the instance as ubuntu using either the password you set when you created the instance or with an SSH key if you added one during creation.

You can then switch the user to root without a password by entering the following command,

sudo su -

You can view the Django instance immediately by visiting the instance’s IP address in your browser.

The postgres user password is stored under /root/.postgresql_user_passwords

Login to postgres using the command,

sudo -u postgres psql

The Django database Informations are stored under /root/.postgresql_passwords

Django Admin login credentials are stored under /root/.adminpanel_passwords

Django shell user login credentials are stored under /root/.shell_user_passwords

Django home directory /home/django/django_project/django_project/

You can try to reuse this project, located in /home/django/django_project, or start fresh in a new location and edit Gunicorn's configuration to point to it at /etc/systemd/system/gunicorn.service. You can also change how nginx is routing traffic by editing /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default

Cd into the directory where your Django code lives, and install any dependencies. (For example, if you have a requirements.txt file, run pip install -r requirements.txt.)

That's it! Whenever you make code changes, reload Gunicorn like so:

PID=$(systemctl show --value -p MainPID gunicorn.service) && kill -HUP $PID

The standard Django admin area is accessible at /admin. The login and password are stored in the DJANGO_ADMIN_LOGIN_USER* values you see when you call cat /root/.adminpanel_passwords while logged in over SSH.

Click here to view connecting PostgreSQL through remote

Refer to the Section "Once the PostgreSQL is deployed:" and follow the instuction from "By default, this database server..."

Setting up Postfix

Set a Valid Hostname using the command

hostnamectl set-hostname $HOSTNAME

Replace $HOSTNAME with a valid hostname and make sure the hostname have a proper A record.

The Instance IP must have a proper PTR record.

Configure the hostname in the postfix configuration /etc/postfix/

In the section below section, replace the $hostname with the valid hostname

myhostname = $hostname

Restart the postfix using the command

systemctl restart postfix

Once the above step is completed. You can check outgoing Emails using the command

echo "Postfix test" | mail -s "Subject" [email protected]"

Initially, the Emails will be dropped into the SPAM folder. As this is a NEW IP the reputation is unknown. Once the reputation is calculated based on the incoming and outgoing emails. The emails will be dropped in the INBOX.